Photos by Leah Lawson, James Alsup, Ben Nunez, Sam Aquino and Mikel Samson

Welcome to San Diego! This is where all the fun happens, the San Diego Convention Center.
James posing with an Anime Reactor business card and the Gundam at the Bandai Booth.
It's the Kinokuniya Bookstore booth, complete with all sorts of manga, art books and models.
A close up of some of the piles of mecha models that were on display at the Kino booth.
It's Bandai's booth with the Gundam suit and the PLEX table, home of Aoki's Angel's Wing series.
It's Sam and an uber-kawaii moment here, hugging the overly-life sized Pikachu.
The Exhibit Hall is always insane. This year there were over 70,000 people at the con.
It's the Pioneer Entertainment booh, complete with their trademark Plasma screens and high tech-ery.
It's our humble Editor sitting on the top level of a European double decker bus heading to the con.
Stylin' and chillin'.
'Nuff said.
There are quite a few sites on the way to the con. This is San Diego Bay and the Star of India.
Getting close to the convention center. All we have is one more traffic light... Just one more! :)
It's more exhibit hall madness! By Saturday, you could barely walk in locations around the anime stuff.
It's the Tokyopop booth. Manga! Is that a finger and a thumb in the shape of an "L" on his forehead?
James gives the con and sitting down away from the heat and the mass of humanity two thumbs up!
Even at a "comic book" convention, you still can't get away from anime cosplayers!
Ah, it's the PLEX table again, showing off a teaser to the anime version of Angel's Wing.
This time it's an open top double decker bus. It's Sam and I just enjoying the ride.
We all get tired and need to rest sometime. Here the gang takes a pit stop at the Marriott next door.
Wanna get phylosophical anyone? James will give you an opinion when he gets some rest.
What a comic convention without comics? Here Sam is reading Paradise Kiss from Tokyopop.
And what's a convention without good cheap food and drinks? It's the Kansas City BBQ!
KC BBQ is the location where they filmed the bar scene from the movie Top Gun. MAAAVERICKKKK!
What good is going to the Top Gun bar without some cheap beer? Dunno. I'm the designated driver.